Anger and Rage stem from jealousy and feelings of self righteousness.
Have you ever known anyone who suffers from the rage caused by angry energy resulting in jealousy and destruction? Are you frustrated? Have you thrown your arms up in desperation when that person constantly berates you and blames you for their inability to control their "run amuck" outbursts, constant belittling, denial scenarios, threats to commit suicide or worse threats to kill you or others?
Well reader the good news is, you are not alone nor are you to blame.
The bad news is, there isn't anything you can do about it.
Let me give you some background information before you click this blog into oblivion. My mother's psycy was primarliy made up of 'the negative energy of anger and rage'. She left my family when I was 4 years old (thank god!), yet her genetic influence continued to rage through the veins of several family members. I married a man who suffered from uncontrolled anger and rage (now, somewhat under control, or at least suppressed to a safe level) You can guess by now that our children might have been affected. If you guessed yes, you guessed right!
Both our daughter and son are genetically predisposed to my mother's distructive genetic disorder. Our daughter (who had a different father-a narcissist)is chronically fighting the battle of the bulge and our son is in a constant battle with his first and only girl friend. Both are very artistic and sensitive people, but neither of them can stop playing the blame game. It is always someone elses fault.
Who CARES! I get a little fed up with all the cry babies in the world who can't or won't accept the people who have done them wrong. I've tried to explain to our daughter that there is only one way to handle all this negative energy and that is to simply accept that whoever or whatever caused it was simply doing their best. It may not have been good enough, but nevertheless they were doing their best (with what they had or have to work with).
Most people's initial reaction to this advice is - You're wrong! My (whoever is the perpetrator) did NOT do their best. They did their worst!
My response to this is, maybe they were a bad parent, terrible spouse or whatever else but what did (does)this person have to work with? Were they abused, are they being abused, where their parents riddled with psychological anomalies far beyond your conceptualization or control?
My mother attempted suicide 7 times - always crying out for forgiveness for having left me at such a tender young age. I constantly reassured her it wasn't her fault, yet her doctor said she had ruined my life. She had electro convulsive therapy so many times she began to count on it for survival. Had this doctor known better, he would have told her 'she was only doing her best'. Instead he perpetuated the cycle of self blame leading to her early death. Such a waste.
In the finally analysis, dear reader, you or the person who is consumed by jealousy, anger and ultimate rage need to listen up and listen good - no one is to blame! not society, not your family members, not genetics, not your friends or loved ones, and especially not you!
So lighten up, light a candle and let some of "the energy of anger and rage" burn off.
Separate yourself from it simply by accepting that everyone is simply doing their best in this messed up world of ours.
Think about it! You just might find, once you stop allowing negative energy to affect your life, it will dissipate and change into something less destructive. You and I both know there are only two types of pure energy. Two!! Positive and negative. Energy never dies, it only changes.
You can't change the other person or insist they see a therapist (who know very little, by the way). You can only change the way negativity affects you. The first step in making a change
your life is through acceptance of the fact that they are simply doing their best and nothing will get any better until you do!
Comments welcome!
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